What is PathoLec ?
PathoLec is a knowledge base of curated lectins from known pathogenic agents. It documents the binding of the lectins with specific glycans, the pathogenic agents that produce them, the host organisms of the agents, the associated diseases and affected host tissues. It provides a list of articles that documents each binding event. The major part of the data was obtained from the resource SugarBind. Each entry obtained from SugarBind was manually verified, curated and updated, before being integrated into the PathoLec database.
How many pathogen lectins ?
846 3D X-ray structures, 268 lectins that interact with 190 ligands in 1001 different lectin-ligand relationships.
Search for any occurence of a keyword by protein name, gene name and accession number
E.g. Enterotoxin type B, P01552, entB, 1D5M, any other accession number, disease name, pathogen name, GlyTouCan ID, etc
E.g. Enterotoxin type B, P01552, entB, 1D5M, any other accession number, disease name, pathogen name, GlyTouCan ID, etc
Host organisms
Tissue browser
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