Protein (NP_003269)
Tetranectin (TN) (C-type lectin domain family 3 member B) (Plasminogen kringle 4-binding protein)
C-type lectin domain family 3 member B
C-type lectin
C-type - Tetranectin
a/b mixed / C-type lectin-like
Protein sequence and protein families (fasta) (202 amino acids) Download
Mol* PDB structure viewerUniLectin3D
Structural models
Model Confidence:
  •    Very high (pLDDT > 90)
  •    Confident (90 > pLDDT > 70)
  •    Low (70 > pLDDT > 50)
  •    Very low (pLDDT < 50)

  AlphaFold produces a per-residue confidence score (pLDDT) between 0 and 100. Some regions with low pLDDT may be unstructured in isolation.

Glycan ligands from structural data
No crystal structures of complexes with glycan ligand.
NCBI References (10 PubMed Identifiers)
  • CLEC3B p.S106G Mutant in a Caucasian Population of Successful Neurological Aging. [31570938]
  • CLEC3B protects H9c2 cardiomyocytes from apoptosis caused by hypoxia via the PI3K/Akt pathway. [32696821]
  • Downregulation of exosomal CLEC3B in hepatocellular carcinoma promotes metastasis and angiogenesis via AMPK and VEGF signals. [31477130]
  • The In Vitro Biotransformation of the Fusion Protein Tetranectin-Apolipoprotein A1. [30858459]
  • CLEC3B is downregulated and inhibits proliferation in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. [30066941]
  • The gene structure of tetranectin, a plasminogen binding protein. [1511740]
  • Tetranectin, a plasminogen kringle 4-binding protein. Cloning and gene expression pattern in human colon cancer. [1354271]
  • Identification of a highly mobilizable subset of human neutrophil intracellular vesicles that contains tetranectin and latent alkaline phosphatase. [2298916]
  • Interaction of tetranectin with sulphated polysaccharides and trypan blue. [2533389]
  • Purification and characterization of a novel, oligomeric, plasminogen kringle 4 binding protein from human plasma: tetranectin. [3009181]
UniProt Main References (7 PubMed Identifiers)
  • The DNA sequence, annotation and analysis of human chromosome 3. [16641997]
  • The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). [15489334]
  • Primary structure of tetranectin, a plasminogen kringle 4 binding plasma protein: homology with asialoglycoprotein receptors and cartilage proteoglycan core protein. [3427041]
  • Mass spectrometric characterisation of post-translational modification and genetic variation in human tetranectin. [10614823]
  • An enzyme assisted RP-RPLC approach for in-depth analysis of human liver phosphoproteome. [24275569]
  • Crystal structure of tetranectin, a trimeric plasminogen-binding protein with an alpha-helical coiled coil. [9256258]
  • Structure of the C-type lectin carbohydrate recognition domain of human tetranectin. [9757090]
All isoforms of this gene containing a lectin domain
NP_003269.2, NP_001295323.1, XP_016862605.1, XP_016862606.1
RNA (Transcript ID: NM_003278.3)
C-type lectin domain family 3 member B, transcript variant 1
  • Coding region
DNA (Gene ID: 7123)
C-type lectin domain family 3 member B
strand +
NCBI CDS gene sequence (609 bp)
NCBI CDS gene sequence with introns (location: 45026363.. 45035924) (9562 bp)Download
NCBI CDS gene sequence with introns, 5'UTR and 3'UTR (location: 45026303.. 45036071) (9769 bp)Download
NCBI gene sequence (location: [45026303 - 1000].. 45036071) (10769 bp)Download
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