LectOn: unilectin3D RDF - Accessible Predictive Data Module



LectOn: unilectin3D RDF - Accessible Predictive Data Module


The unilectin3D RDF is a specialized extension of the unilectin3D platform, designed to provide a structured and easily accessible format for predictive data. This module leverages the power of RDF (Resource Description Framework) to offer a more efficient and user-friendly way to explore and interact with the curated 3D structures of lectins.


Origin c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Origin
In Domain Of ns1:origin_name dp
In Range Of ns1:is_origin op

Area c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Area
In Domain Of ns1:area_name dp
In Range Of

Fold c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Fold
In Domain Of ns1:fold_name dp
In Range Of ns1:belongs_to_fold op

Disease c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Disease
In Domain Of
In Range Of ns1:causes op

Class c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Class
In Domain Of
In Range Of ns1:belongs_to_class op

Agent c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Agent
In Domain Of
In Range Of ns1:has_agent op

Species c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Species
In Domain Of
In Range Of ns1:is_species op

Family c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Family
In Domain Of
In Range Of ns1:is_family op

Pubmed c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Pubmed
In Range Of ns1:has_pubmed op

Lectin c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Lectin
In Domain Of

Ligand c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Ligand
In Domain Of
In Range Of ns1:has_ligand op

Interaction c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Interaction
In Domain Of
In Range Of ns1:has_interaction op

Bindingdomain c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Bindingdomain
In Domain Of
In Range Of ns1:contains op

Evidence c

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#Evidence
In Domain Of
In Range Of

Object Properties

belongs_to_class op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#belongs_to_class
Domain ns1:Family c
Range ns1:Class c

belongs_to_fold op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#belongs_to_fold
Domain ns1:Class c
Range ns1:Fold c

bindingdomain_has_evidence op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#bindingdomain_has_evidence
Domain ns1:Bindingdomain c
Range ns1:Evidence c

caused_at op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#caused_at
Domain ns1:Disease c
Range ns1:Area c

causes op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#causes
Domain ns1:Agent c
Range ns1:Disease c

contains op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#contains
Domain ns1:Lectin c
Range ns1:Bindingdomain c

found_in op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#found_in
Domain ns1:Agent c
Range ns1:Area c

has_agent op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#has_agent
Domain ns1:Lectin c
Range ns1:Agent c

has_area op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#has_area
Domain ns1:Lectin c
Range ns1:Area c

has_interaction op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#has_interaction
Domain ns1:Bindingdomain c
Range ns1:Interaction c

has_ligand op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#has_ligand
Domain ns1:Interaction c
Range ns1:Ligand c

has_pubmed op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#has_pubmed
Domain ns1:Evidence c
Range ns1:Pubmed c

interaction_has_evidence op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#interaction_has_evidence
Domain ns1:Interaction c
Range ns1:Evidence c

is_family op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#is_family
Domain ns1:Bindingdomain c
Range ns1:Family c

is_origin op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#is_origin
Domain ns1:Species c
Range ns1:Origin c

is_species op

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#is_species
Domain ns1:Lectin c
Range ns1:Species c

Datatype Properties

agent_name dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#agent_name
Domain ns1:Agent c
Range xsd:string

area_name dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#area_name
Domain ns1:Area c
Range xsd:string

class_name dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#class_name
Domain ns1:Class c
Range xsd:string

disease_name dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#disease_name
Domain ns1:Disease c
Range xsd:string

family_name dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#family_name
Domain ns1:Family c
Range xsd:string

fold_name dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#fold_name
Domain ns1:Fold c
Range xsd:string

has_glycoct dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#has_glycoct
Domain ns1:Ligand c
Range xsd:string

has_id_eu dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#has_id_eu
Domain ns1:Lectin c
Range xsd:string

has_idpdb dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#has_idpdb
Domain ns1:Bindingdomain c
Range xsd:string

has_iupac dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#has_iupac
Domain ns1:Ligand c
Range xsd:string

is_predicted dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#is_predicted
Domain ns1:Evidence c
Range xsd:boolean

origin_name dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#origin_name
Domain ns1:Origin c
Range xsd:string

predicted_interaction dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#predicted_interaction
Domain ns1:Evidence c
Range xsd:double

species_name dp

IRI https://unilectin.unige.ch/rdf/unilectin3D/wikipage#species_name
Domain ns1:Species c
Range xsd:string




c Classes
op Object Properties
dp Datatype Properties

made by p y LODE 3.0.5 with the OntPub profile

Table of Contents